Proverbs 16: 6
By steadfast love and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the LORD one turns away from evil.
When I first read this, I thought... if the person who sinned tries to love and remain faithful, their sins and wrongdoings will be covered. Eventually, that person's love and faithfulness will earn atonement. And then I thought about the God I serve. I thought about Jesus and how his perfect, steadfast love and faithfulness atoned for my sins on the tree. Immediately, my thought went to marriage and how this piece of wisdom could transform marriages. When sin enters (because we are all married to sinners), steadfast love and faithfulness keeps the relationship going in the presence of sin. When I hurt Justin or he hurts me, it is our love and faithfulness for one another given to us by the Spirit that allows us to extend grace and forgiveness to each other instead of bitterness and anger.
And our LORD... His majesty and splendor and glory helps us fend off send. Fearing Him turns us away from evil.
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