Thursday, June 9, 2011

Week One of Summer Vacation

Day 1: Saturday
- Brunch with Justin at Chick Fil A
- Addison's 4th Birthday Party at Bounce U (or Bounce Me as she liked to say)
- Open birthday presents with the fam and hung out with the siblings
- Wild 'n Crazy shopping for food fight at Robyn's school
- Katie Cox's birthday bash!
- Begin the massive deep clean of the house...

Day 2: Sunday
- Escape to Starbucks to start the day. Began reading my first book of the summer.
- Caitlin's high school graduation
- Lunch at Genghi's Grill
- Church at JW
- Community dinner following...
- Last minute Wild 'n Crazy planning.

Day 3: Monday
- Lunch at Chick Fil A with Savannah
- Shower and rest time after a morning in the hot sun!
- Dinner date with Ashley Ashcraft at Jimmy Johns! What an encouraging dinner!!!
- Continuing the deep clean.

Day 4: Tuesday
- Grocery shopping for the week with Justin
- Quick lunch before final preparations for ESL test
- ESL test (still waiting for results... it was harder than I expected)
- Community Dinner Prep (dinner: remake of Chipotle's burrito bowl)
- Washing ALL the floors in the house!

Day 5: Wednesday
- Quiet morning- reading and relaxing
- Final vacation preparations for Virginia/ DC and 3rd Anniversary Getaway
- Errand running (stopped by the post office and did a little bit of unsuccessful, unproductive shopping)
- Met with a dear friend, Brittney, who I have not seen in years... what a blessing!
- Quick dinner and final clean up... counters, sink, toilets, shower, and floors cleaned in the bathrooms, massive cleanup in our play/ guest room including the vacuuming of the floor, and a round of dishes.

Day 6: Thursday
- Breakfast with the Jonie and Keith and their boys... what fun it was to hang out with them for a little bit!
- Finalized 3rd anniversary getaway (we are going to Conroe for a few days and staying right on the lake...)
- Quick lunch followed by a skype call...
- Police officer came to look for the lady who used to live here... (this is really just something out of the ordinary)
- Hanging out with a friend this evening

Day 7: Friday
I know that it will begin with my favorite triplets!!!

So far... it has been a great summer break. I am looking forward to reading, resting, and hanging out with more people! It is wonderful having time and opportunities to reconnect with people.

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