Yesterday, I was reading a book, Miniskirts, Mothers, and Muslims (to be exact). The author referred to Titus 2 where it commands us to "teach what accords with sound doctrine." She pointed out that often we choose to hear, "teach sound doctrine." But... that's not what it says.
I am not saying that teaching sound doctrine is wrong... it is a crucial element to growing in faith, but should we only teach with words?
Titus 2 continues... Paul is giving commands on how men and women should live as members of Christ's kingdom. When Paul says, "teach what accords with sound doctrine," he continues to tell us how we should treat our spouses, our children, our family, our friends, etc.
This is when the conviction began... I realized that often I talk... not even talk to my unbelieving friends but only my believing friends about the love of Christ. I try to live Christ-like but more often that comes across as a good, upright, moral person. Either way, I am failing to let the Spirit take control and work in and through my life.
I have never wanted to be a Sunday only follower of Christ... and I don't want to believe that I am... I have seen evidences of God's grace in my life. I feel His power enabling me... but I want more. I want to be consumed. I want my response to life to be prayer. I want my heart to mourn for the lost. I want that to spur me to prayer. I want to run to God for forgiveness and strength to be humble when I wrong my husband instead of playing the silence game or blaming him. One day, I want my children to see me run to prayer at the first hint of anger... I want them to see me run to God in prayer when I get overwhelmed by life's circumstances... I want every moment of the day to draw me to God... I want my conversations to have a God-ward orientation... not to push people toward God or to throw my religion in their face, but I want my faith to be so interwoven in my life that it is an overflow of love for God and for people.
So... may I teach what accords with sound doctrine by being reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine, teaching what is good and training the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, so that the word of God may not be reviled.